No-Cost Home Energy Assessment 

In partnership with HMLP, Energy New England provides no-cost Home Energy Assessments for our residential customers. Their highly trained and experienced Residential Energy Advisors will assess your home’s energy efficiency to identify heating, lighting, weatherization, and rebate opportunities that can save you money on your utility bills.

The Energy Advisor conducts an in-person or virtual walk-through of your home, inputting information into their energy-efficiency software to create a report for you that analyzes your home’s energy usage, identifies home improvement projects that can lower your energy costs, and links to HMLP’s rebates and incentives. To learn more about home energy assessments with Energy New England click here.

To begin scheduling your home energy assessment please complete a brief online intake form

If you have general questions regarding Home Energy Assessments, please contact ENE at:

Phone: 888-772-4242        Email:


Commercial Energy Assessment 

Commercial properties are eligible for Energy Assessments that review lighting and HVAC equipment. To schedule an assessment, please email a completed Commercial Intake form to or call Energy New England (ENE) at 888-772-4242.

HMLP has contracted with ENE to provide energy management studies and to develop a plan of action for each energy conservation measure identified. Commercial Assessments review a property’s lighting, heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC). ENE’s Commercial Energy Auditor will recommend energy conservation measures that are end-use specific based upon standard engineering analysis as well as cost estimates derived from experience or other similar projects.

HMLP has structured the program so that the customer pays one third (1/3) of the cost of the assessment. The remaining two thirds (2/3) of the cost of the assessment will be paid for by HMLP. HMLP’s portion will range from $500 to $3,750.