Municipal Solar

The HMLP Solar Task Force is working with Town of Hingham Administrators to identify schools and other town facilities and properties well suited for solar. A preliminary list of structures has been shared with the town.

MassCEC Solar Information Hub

The Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) has created a hub for information and resources about putting solar on your building.

Hingham’s municipal administrators are encouraged to explore the hub to see what incentives are available for projects, use the solar cost comparison tool, and receive procurement guidance. 

HMLP Consultations

If you are interested in going solar, reach out to us! HMLP’s Sustainability Coordinator and Engineering Manager will discuss projects with interested parties to help you learn more about HMLP’s solar process, requirements, and incentives. 

Solar Rebates

HMLP offers a rebate in the form of a check to customers who install and own a photovoltaic system on their buildings in Hingham. The amount of the rebate will vary according to the capacity of the photovoltaic system.

What is Net Metering?

Net Metering is a system in which solar panels or other renewable energy generators are connected to a public-utility power grid and surplus power is transferred onto the grid, allowing customers to offset the cost of power drawn from the utility.

Interconnection Application

To start the process of going solar, you’ll need to fill out the interconnection application form. For systems larger than 20 kW (AC), please contact HMLP to request a copy of the application.

Hingham Light’s Solar & Battery System

We are excited to help amplify the power of our solar array & battery system by sharing this virtual tour with you.

HMLP’s Rooftop & Canopy Solar 

HMLP’s rooftop originally supported a 40 kW solar system made up of about 130 panels. In 2024, HMLP completed an expansion to this system to add more rooftop solar panels and solar canopies in the parking lot. Now, the rooftop system is about 75 kW and the overall solar system at HMLP is 200 kW (AC). 

HMLP’s solar canopy is approximately 125 kW and provides shade to HMLP’s parking lot. Updated images of the canopy will be added soon. 

Depicted here are photographs from HMLP’s original 40 kW installation on the rooftop. 



HMLP’s Battery System

HMLP’s battery system was commissioned in 2021. The system size is 2 MW and it is a 3-hour battery. The battery is discharged during high demand periods (known as ‘peaks’) to generate savings for HMLP.

Based on the point of interconnection between HMLP’s office building and its battery system, the excess solar production from HMLP’s rooftop and canopy systems is likely feeding the battery.