Enterprise Resource Planning System

  1. Is Interactive Voice Recognition (IVR) a critical functionality of the system?
    No, HMLP is not actively using IVR, so it is not a critical function of the desired system. However, it may be something HMLP decides to implement in the future, so if it is an optional feature, it should be listed in Section A.3 of your response. 
  2. Interfacing to GIS is mentioned in the RFP – what GIS system is in place at HMLP?
    Presently, HMLP does not have a GIS system. HMLP is hoping to implement a GIS in the future, and thus is interested in finding out if your software can interface with GIS.
  3. Given that our application is open and capable of interfacing with other systems for the customer billing and financial portions of the system, would a proposal for only the work management and inventory control portion of the RFP be accepted?
    HMLP will not consider proposals that do not provide full solutions to the functionality requirements specified in the RFP. However, HMLP will consider roposals from teaming companies, but here must be one vendor that is the prime. That vendor will be the responsible party and will execute a contract with HMLP. All other vendors will be a sub-contractor to the prime vendor, and the prime vendor will assume liability for the sub-contractors.
  4. You state the platform requirements include a MS SQL database. Please clarify if you will accept other database options.
    MS SQL Server is the preferred solution. If another database is required/suggested, please describe this in great detail in Section A.2 of your response. Response should include the estimated skill set and estimated time commitment of the database administrator in managing the database to ensure adequate performance with the system (tuning, backups, etc.).
  5. You are looking for a vendor to provide both billing and financial applications. Are you willing to consider partnerships in order to provide a complete solution?
    HMLP will consider partnerships between multiple software vendors, but one vendor must prime the project. That vendor will be the responsible party and will execute a contract with HMLP. All other vendors will be a sub-contractor to the prime vendor, and the prime vendor will assume liability for the sub-contractors.