Electrify Hingham

HMLP has an obligation to its ratepayers to provide high quality service, offer reasonable rates, maintain a durable system, and be a responsible energy steward. Responsible, strategic electrification is an important part of HMLP’s mission and the Town’s net zero goals established in the Climate Action Plan (CAP)

Our Collective Vision

Getting Started

What You Can Do

Helpful Resources

News and Updates

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Our Collective Vision

In 2022, HMLP launched Electrify Hingham to help its customers navigate the resources available to transition away from fossil fuels. Electrify Hingham centers on four themes to achieve the Town’s goal of Net Zero by 2040: electrifying our buildings, electrifying transportation, generating and storing energy, and establishing partnerships.

Buildings consume a lot of energy and are the largest contributor of carbon emissions in Hingham. HMLP is focused on promoting efficient and electric buildings through thoughtful design, advanced technology, and energy-saving practices. By taking action, HMLP hopes to strengthen its revenue base while helping ratepayers build healthy, efficient homes and businesses that operate with overall lower monthly energy costs.
Electrifying transportation in Hingham is an important step towards cutting emissions while also improving air quality, reducing noise pollution, instituting affordable, accessible mobility infrastructure, and enhancing energy security. HMLP is installing a public charging network for EV drivers and offerings resources to help residential, municipal, and commercial customers choose electric transportation options.
It is essential to expand distributed, carbon-free energy generation and storage in Hingham to meet increasing demand from electrification and HMLP’s power supply goals. HMLP is seeking dynamic solutions to electrification that will enable it to maintain affordable rates for all customers, provide adequately for maintenance of its assets, and maximize the amount of competitively priced carbon-free energy in its power portfolio. 
By creating new partnerships with local, state, and federal entities, HMLP will be equipped to address the needs of stakeholders and access resources that will assist in the electrification of Hingham. Further, HMLP will actively seek new opportunities to work with stakeholders and continue to become a more transparent and accessible entity for all. HMLP will collaborate with its partners to achieve Hingham’s collective vision for the future.
Carbon Emissions in Hingham

In Hingham, greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to different sources: buildings (68%), vehicles (23%), electricity supply (8%), and waste (1%). This data was collected for Hingham’s 2021 Greenhouse Gas Inventory and disseminated in the Hingham Climate Action Plan. 

Getting Started

It is going to take time and responsible planning to electrify Hingham. Get started with a no-cost energy assessment and pay attention to when you may need to replace old appliances, heating and cooling equipment, or make other large changes to your building. Make a plan that works for you based on your own timeline and needs, and always follow-up to make sure you have the most up-to-date information available.

Schedule a No-Cost Energy Assessment

Schedule an assessment to analyze your home’s energy usage, identify projects that can lower costs, and link to HMLP’s rebates and incentives.

Make Your Own Clean Energy Home Plan

Download the planner from the Massachusetts Clean Energy Center (MassCEC) to start mapping when and how to maximize opportunities.

What You Can Do

You can make a difference in the community by joining Electrify Hingham and leading by example. Consider how you can adopt energy-efficiency and sustainability into your everyday life, and encourage friends, family, and neighbors to get involved. Over time keep an eye out for exciting events and updates from HMLP.

Schedule a No-Cost Energy Assessment

Review HMLP’s Energy Saving Tips

Follow HMLP on Social Media

Insulate & Air-Seal Your Building

Buy Certified Energy Star Appliances

Compare No-Cost Solar Estimates

Heat & Cool with Heat Pumps

Swap Old Light Fixtures for LEDs

Join the Demand Response Program

Compare Pricing for Electric Vehicles

Install EV Charging Equipment

Charge Your EV Off-Peak for Credits

Tune-into HMLP’s Public Meetings

Read Hingham’s Climate Action Plan

Take the Pledge to Reduce Emissions

Helpful Resources

Going electric should not be hard or confusing. Here are some of the resources that can help you on your electrification journey.
MassCEC Introduction to the Clean Energy Home
Learn what a clean energy home is and why it could benefit you. 

Rewiring America IRA Calculator
Figure out what federal incentives you may be eligible for.

DOE Homeowner Guide to Going Solar
Frequently asked questions to consider before you go solar. 

Energy Sage Solar Marketplace
Compare proposals for rooftop solar and battery storage from local installers. 

Abode Energy Heat Pump Consultations
Request a heat pump overview, quote comparison, or technical assistance.

Hingham Drives Electric’s DrivE & SaVe Wizard
Find the EV that best fits your lifestyle.

Mass Save Rebates for Natural Gas Customers
If you have natural gas, you are eligible for some Mass Save rebates.

HMLP Incentives & Rebate Guidance
Read additional information about HMLP’s rebate requirements.

News and Updates

Here are the latest updates from HMLP on ongoing projects, incentive programs, and new opportunities for customers.

HMLP Files Formal Petition to Construct Transmission Line & Substation

HMLP has filed a formal petition with the Massachusetts Energy Facilities Siting Board (EFSB) for approval to construct the Hingham Electrical Infrastructure Reliability Project (HEIRP). The project includes a new transmission line and substation for Hingham.

2024 Ride & Drive

Join HMLP and Hingham Drives Electric on Sunday, October 20th for a Ride & Drive to test drive electric vehicles and view models owned by Hingham residents! Sign up in advance for a vehicle and a timeslot. The event will be from 11 AM to 3 PM at HMLP’s office, 31 Bare Cove Park Dr.

Vineyard Offshore & ENE Announce Partnership for Purchase of Offshore Wind

This new partnership will provide access to clean power from Vineyard Wind 2 for municipal light plants, including HMLP.

Commercial PACE Financing

On March 12, the Select Board opted into the Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) financing program, clearing a pathway for commercial and industrial property owners in Hingham to get low-cost, long-term loans for energy efficiency upgrades. Visit Mass Development’s website for more information.

Why Does HMLP Offer Rebates?

How and when we use electricity impacts the costs that are borne by all ratepayers through elements such as HMLP’s capacity and transmission charges. The number and kind of load changes expected in the future make it advisable for HMLP to take an active role in both planning for new behaviors and incentivizing behaviors that will assist in managing expected changes to the demand curve.

New HMLP Partnership Helps Hingham Residents Explore Solar Options with Ease and Transparency

The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant (HMLP) has launched a new partnership with Boston-based company EnergySage that will give Hingham residents access to online tools and resources for making informed decisions about clean energy technologies.

Demand Management and Electrification Policy

On June 1, 2022, the Light Board approved a policy to identify strategies, incentives, and resources that will address demand curve fluctuations, electrification trends, and rate stability for customers.

EV Charging Stations Installed Around Town, With More To Come

HMLP is thrilled to announce that the construction and installation of four level-2 public access electric vehicle charging stations has been completed! Learn more about where the stations are, how to use them, and what this means for electrification in Hingham.

Public Electric Vehicle Charging Network

HMLP has completed the construction and installation of EV charging stations all around Hingham! Check out the EV Charging Network page on the website to see where these stations are.

Hingham Light’s Virtual Solar Tour

Hingham Light is hosting a virtual solar tour as a part of the National Solar Tour and South Shore Solar Tour! From October to January, you can view photos of HMLP’s large rooftop solar array and battery system online!

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Get in Touch

For more information about Electrify Hingham or any of HMLP’s efficiency programs, please contact HMLP’s Sustainability Coordinator using the form below.
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