EV Charging Network

HMLP is leading the construction, installation, and expansion of Hingham’s electric vehicle charging network. Check out where the stations are located and how to use them.

Where are the EV Charging Stations located in Hingham? 


Lynch Field (226 Beal St.) – One Level-3 Station

Station St. Parking Lot (62 Water St.) – Four Level-2 Ports, Two Level-3 Stations

Carlson Field (28 Bare Cove Park Dr.) – Two Level-2 Ports

South Shore Country Club (274 South St.) – Two Level-2 Ports 

Town Hall (210 Central St.) – Two Level-2 Ports 

HMLP Front Parking Lot (31 Bare Cove Park Dr.) – Four Level-2 Ports (Business Hours Only!)

HMLP Charging Locations

Level-2 Chargers $0.22/kWh

Public HMLP Charging Stations

Level-3 Chargers $0.35/kWh

62 Water St, Hingham, MA 02043

28 Bare Cove Park Dr, Hingham, MA 02043

274 South St, Hingham, MA 02043

226 Beal St, Hingham, MA 02043

210 Central St. Hingham, MA 02043

31 Bare Cove Park Dr. Hingham, MA 02043

Expanding the EV Charging Network:

Do you have a location in mind for a new EV charging station in Hingham? Are you a business or landowner interested in providing EV charging? Fill out our EV charging survey to let us know! Please include your contact information if you would like us to reach back out to you. 

Where would you like to see more electric vehicle charging stations in Hingham?
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