Reading Your Solar Bill
Hover over the bill to see the descriptions.

Customer Name & Address
Customer name and mailing address.
Billing Date
The date the bill was issued.
Account Number
The number used to identify this account.
Service Address
The location where electric service is provided.
Billing Period
The time period covered by this bill.
A 12-month history of your kWh usage/consumption.
Your usage per month = (SOL(kwh) – REC(kwh)) + DEL(kwh)
Meter Number
“SOL” – this meter measures the Kwh you produce from your solar array
“REC” – this meter measures how much excess kWh was produced by your solar array (you did not use) which you sold back to HMLP
“DEL” – the measures the electricity delivered to you by HMLP
Previous Read
Meter read from the previous billing period.
Present Read
Meter read for the current billing period.
Read Dates
Period of the read days, prior to current
The number of days covered by this bill.
What the consumption is multiplied by to obtain an accurate read.
The number of Kilowatt-hours used during this billing period, obtained by subtracting the previous read from the present read.
For the customers using a rate that requires a demand meter, this figure is the kilowatt reading from that meter.
Previous Balance
Prior balance from the last bill.
Payments Received
Total payments received as of the current billing date.
Adjustment or Prompt Payment Discount
An increase or decrease to the amount due.
Capacity, Distribution & Transmission
This charge is based on the fixed portion of our power contracts which are capacity, distribution and transmission.
Capacity: Capacity charges are based on the highest amount of energy you are estimated to use or consume during a month (or year in some locations). Essentially, you pay a fee to ensure that the electricity you might use is there for you when you need to use it, whenever you need to use it.
Distribution: Charges for the use of local wires, transformers, substation, and other equipment used to deliver electricity to end-use consumers from the high voltage transmission lines.
Transmission: Charges for moving high voltage electricity from a generation facility to the distribution lines of an electric distribution company. Based on federally regulated charges.
Balance Forward
Total of previous balance remaining net of payments and adjustments.
Customer Charge
This is a fixed charge for every rate payer to help with the distribution costs of providing electricity. This charge also covers the costs incurred for the maintenance of the meters.
Energy Charge
The Energy Charge is based on the Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant’s average monthly cost of energy and may be increased or decreased and may be adjusted in accordance with the Standard Energy Charge.
A credit will be applied to the KWH usage of all residential customers. PASNY is an abbreviation of Power Authority of the State of New York. Customers currently receive a .005 credit per KWH for Hydro Electricity.
Power Cost Adjustment
The Power Cost Adjustment is a charge based on the changing costs of the fuel used to generate the electricity that you use. Some of your electricity is generated by burning coal or natural gas, and the cost of these fuels changes on a monthly basis so the PCA line item passes these costs on to you. The electric utility does not make any extra revenue on this item – it is a pass-through cost.
Total Current Charges
The amount due for this bill.
Prompt Payment Discount
The prompt payment discount is 10% of the sum of the Customer Charge and Residential Electric if the account is current and paid in full by the discount date.
Total Amount Due if Payment Received Before Due Date
The total amount due and the date it must be received to take advantage of the prompt payment discount.
Total Amount Due if Payment Received After Due Date
The total amount due for this bill if payment received after the current prompt payment discount date.
Return Address
Return address, where your payment should be sent to.
Account Number
Number used to identify this account.
Billing Date
The date the bill was issued.
Amount Due
The total amount due for this bill if payment received after the current prompt payment discount date.
Discounted Amount Due
The total amount due for this bill if payment received before the current prompt payment discount date.
Amount Enclosed
The amount paid for this account.
Prompt Payment Discount Due Date
The date payment must be received at HMLP to receive the Prompt Payment discount.
Read the Solar Policy Explanation Letter from Tom Morahan