Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant to hold October 12 community-wide Zoom Open House to seek input on proposed transmission line project
Download the full notice here: HMLP Notice for Zoom Open House – October 2022
The Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant (HMLP) is holding a community-wide, virtual open house on Zoom to seek feedback from residents and businesses in Hingham and Weymouth about the planned Hingham Electrical Infrastructure Reliability Project (HEIRP). The event will be held via Zoom on October 12 from 7 PM to 9 PM. The Zoom link to access the meeting is: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81699378942?pwd=S3hzL1VUN2xyeVJwRWNLUVg5ZHF6dz09.
HMLP’s proposed project features a 3.7-mile 115 kV, underground transmission line that would traverse the public ways in Weymouth and Hingham; a new tap station near the Connell Ice Rink in Weymouth, which will be owned and operated by Eversource; and a new HMLP-owned substation in Hingham near the Town’s transfer station. HMLP’s project is needed to ensure the reliability of electric service to Hingham homes and businesses in the event of a disruption to the single, overhead transmission feed that currently serves the Town.
Tom Morahan, General Manager of HMLP, said the plan for the October 12 virtual open house is to provide information on the project, answer questions, and seek community feedback. Over the last several weeks, HMLP has held a number of in-person open houses for the project, on August 25 and September 13 in Weymouth, and on September 28 in Hingham. “Not everyone can make it out to a public event, and we realize there may be folks who are not comfortable attending public gatherings due to Covid,” Morahan said. “This event will let people participate and provide feedback from the comfort of their own home if they so choose.”
During the virtual open house event, HMLP will present maps and provide information about the project, including information on the preliminary proposed and alternative routes, and plans for the tap station and substation. Members of the HMLP team will be on hand to answer questions. “When construction is completed, residents and businesses in both Weymouth and Hingham will not know that the line is there,” Morahan said. “But, in order to get to that point, there will be some temporary disruption, and HMLP is committed to working with all affected residents, businesses and officials to ensure that local concerns are fully heard and that the impacts of construction are minimized.”
For more information about the project, please visit the project’s website at http://heirp.com. If you have any questions regarding the Zoom meeting, please contact HMLP at heirp@hmlp.com.