Invitation for bid for Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant Solar Project
IFB #23 – 0011
Sealed Bids for The Installation of a Rooftop & Carport PV System located at 31 Bare Cove Park Dr in Hingham MA 02043, bids be received at the Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant, 31 Bare Cove Park Drive, Hingham Ma 02043 until 11:00 AM, March 15, 2023, immediately after which the bids will be opened and read publicly.
Documents can be found at:
Commbuys Bid Number: BD-22-2120-HMLP-HMLP1-84046
General Bids “Electrical”
Sub bids be received at the Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant, 31 Bare Cove Park Drive, Hingham Ma 02043 until 11:00 AM, March 1, 2023, immediately after which the bids will be opened and read publicly.
Sub Bids “Division 03 Concrete” & Division 05 Structural Steel/Miscellaneous Metals Work
Plans & Specifications requests may be emailed to Chris Kourafas at
Bid Deposit : 5% of the value of the total bid
Surety Bonds : Payment Bond (50% of Bid Amount)
Insurance Coverage is required at the time of award.
All bids for this project are subject to applicable bidding laws of Massachusetts, including M.G.L. c. 149, §§ 44A-H and M.G.L c. 30, § 39M.
Chris Kourafas
Purchasing Manager
Related Files:
Legal Notice: IFB #23-0011 Hingham Municipal Lighting Plant Solar Project