Solar Rebate

HMLP offers a rebate to customers who install and own a photovoltaic system at their homes. For more information about the solar rebate or additional resources, please contact us. 

System Installation

HMLP offers a rebate in the form of a check to customers who install and own a photovoltaic system at their home or business in Hingham. The amount of the rebate will vary according to the capacity of the photovoltaic system (AC). There is a cap of $6,000 per account lifetime. The rebate is calculated at $0.60/W x the rated output of the system (AC) up to 10kW.

For example, an HMLP customer who installs a photovoltaic system at their home in Hingham and whose system has a rated output of 2.5kW (AC) will receive a rebate check for $1,500. If that same customer installed a system with a rated output of 10kW (AC), they would receive a rebate check for $6,000. If they installed a system with a rated output of 5kW (AC) they will receive a rebate check for $3,000.


Federal Tax Credit

If you’re a federal taxpayer, you may benefit from the 25D Residential Clean Energy Property Credit when you purchase and install solar panels on your home. This program covers 30% of the qualifying costs, making it more affordable to go solar.

The 25D tax credit also applies to other clean energy upgrades, including:

  • Geothermal heat pumps
  • Solar water heaters
  • Battery storage equipment


Interested in Going Solar?

HMLP has partnered with EnergySage, an online solar marketplace, to provide customers with solar information and get free quotes from installers. Hingham customers can utilize all of EnergySage’s resources at no-cost including their incentive calculators, quote comparison tools, and energy advisors. 

For Installers: Meter Labels

Please note that HMLP requires certain labels for the meters. Correct placards must be present on the main house meter and labeling for the solar meter. Please ensure that two red placards, one saying “HMLP SOLAR METER” and one saying “HMLP BI-DIRECTIONAL METER” are included in the label set and on the system.